Thursday, April 16, 2009


There's a fragility in opinion that I think I no longer can say that I am immune to.

It was a feeling a haven't truly encountered for some time; true objective sadness. Yesterday when I was talking to my father I learned that one of my families three dogs was diagnosed with liver cancer and that it had already spread to his lungs terminally. At first I didn't really know what to say, and truthfully there wasn't much to be said.

He received the shot today sometime in the afternoon not a day after my knowledge

He had done nothing to anyone, at times he could be yappy like any other small dog, and of course sometimes that yappiness transcended into a full scale hate factor where I was the one wishing death, but given the opportunity to strap him down to a table and give him the lethal injection would I? Absolutely not; and here, all of a sudden, something completely beyond my power does, in such a short span of time that it throws me into shock, almost like a joke. A fatal infallible truth; and now he's gone.

It was the first time I've heard my father cry in a long time. As a kid I was very lucky, both of parents despite their eccentricities had a firm grasp on reality and were seldom brought to tears; brought to vulnerability, and despite this I hear the sniffling of my mother over the phone, and the hushed crying of my father in the background.

No one is an island. I thought I was beyond emotion, and yet all it took was the unmitigated pattern of truth and fate. I'm not a religious person but I do wish a peace upon my family, and a peacefulness in the dog that I now recognize to be good.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Generally speaking I think its a good thing to live in the present, although recently I've found myself doing the exact opposite.

School has been good to me thus far. This term I'll be finishing up FIlm History which turned out to be far more interesting than ever previously thought. Overall I'm glad I'm a film major, maybe its not the most conventional study, but it beats solving math problems.

The OSU and WWU/UW races went very well, more and more I'm finding I like Criterium's much more than Road Races. They remind me of Cross and I like that.
