Today was the first race in the Banana Belt series for OBRA. I suppose it was my first race of the "season" and overall I did fine considering I've never actually done a road race before. 19/31: slightly below mid pack but I mainly attribute it to the down hills I had to deal with 2/3 through the last lap. I had kept a pretty good pace but after failing to keep on on a very sharp turn down a monster hill I lost the pack and had to sprint just to keep up. Again, descending is something I'm not very good at but I mostly attribute it to the fact that its hard to be steady in any situation when your gangly, and 6'3.5", this isn't including the fact that it was going down a wet hill at 35mph and having to make a 90 degree turn. So overall I didn't do horribly. I would have liked better if I finished higher, but for a first road race that wasn't too bad.
On a slighter more ironically positive note it rained almost consistently through my race and for the most it didn't really bother me, I can thank the Cross Crusade for that one.
As far as road racing in general, its something I need work on so I suppose I shall continue to proceed.
Thats all for now?
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