Replace cables and housing when worn/tattered:
- Remove old housing
- Remove old cables
- Put on new cables
- Put on new housing
- Adjust accordingly
- Eat a sandwich
Now here's what those fat cats in Washington aren't telling ya! Or how I go about the same process...
- Remove old housing
- Accidentally messing up shifting
- Curse
- Pay for new housing
- Mix shifting up with brake cabling
- Curse
- Measure old housing length
- Accidentally cut too short
- Cry
- More crying
- Laborious rebuilding/repacking of self-esteem ( like hubs, time consuming )
- Put shifting back on
- Put cables back on
- prematurely cut cables in foolhardy move
- figure out that I need shorter housing with current cable length
The list goes on. But wait! A light at the end of the tunnel? It can't be...
Excalibur! There is a God! Finally a system built just for me. Oh, I can't wait... What? Wait a minute, whats the you say...
Oh...Well at least the dentists will be happy. Until then my plight continues: the endless battle between cables and myself. I believe Captain Barbosa put it best...
Barbossa: Are we to be two immortals locked in an epic battle until Judgment Day and trumpets sound?
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