Thursday, September 17, 2009

Stuff that I want to write about

For the most part I'm a very future oriented person. Most of the time I prefer to see things as how they could possible turn out, and while that is slightly pointless it doesn't take away from the fact that I find it hard to believe its already the middle of September; maybe not the exact middle but halfway through all the same.

CrossVegas is fast approaching and while I look forward to hanging out in Vegas and begining my Cyclocross season, I am worried about school. Not so much in a " oh, I don't want to go back to school because I don't want to work " kind of way, but rather the fact that if everything goes correctly this year, then I will probably be done. Which I think is a sort of unsettling concept.

And then on the other hand other people may look at it as an opportunity, a chance to do something completely different, travel new places, become integrated into society as one of the masses, yet it does not feel right, not yet anyway. Its strange being relatively close to the edge of my education, although I suppose (insert life long lesson neatly wrapped up into one sentence),
