Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cashing in my lack of leaks

For some reason or another my encounters with tires flatting is quite similar to the changing of the seasons. While it doesn't happen often, every couple of months something drastic happens and my rhythm is thrown off for a couple of weeks. Basically I get a flat, try to patch it, fail, try again, and then proceed to buy a new tube in concession. Right now I'm in the middle of the cycle and hope that this will be my last patch before something inevitably goes wrong, for while some may enjoy buying tubes (their 6$ now), I do not.

CrossVegas approaches incredibly quickly and I'm pretty excited. While last year was fun, this year I have the privilege of actually getting to compete, which should be curious indeed.

Not much else to report but I'm sure I will think of something later...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

My frustrations

Right now, that is to say exactly at this moment I've had almost all I can have of designing. I'm sitting in Smith right now and for whatever reason Illustrator is not having whatever I'm trying to accomplish. After nearly an hour of fumbling around trying to wrap text around a spiral almost all of my attempts have failed; and quite frankly there's no reason why they should.

I guess the good news is that I did, (and this is a big did), actually get permission from a musical artist to design a poster.

Astronautilis to be more specific, google him people its good stuff. Kind if like Why? were slightly folkier and weirder if thats even possible.

Should be a good design when its done but for now, fate is against me.

And I think i might start a new blog for Faux Sho specific stuff.


Friday, August 7, 2009

The internet actually has monetary value

So get this world

Just now I was searching the internet, as I normally do once I've eaten my 12:00PM breakfast and made my way to campus, when I discover this little jem.


And all this time I thought people were making websites to be hip and cutting edge when in all actuality, they make a profit. But does it really work?

Bikesnob: $24060.8 USD
Facebook: $602.25 Million USD
Sosovelo: $2423.6 USD?

Answer: I think so.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

CREATIVITY: It ebbs and flows


After one 3rd place finish, two mechanicals, and some technical mishaps that was my overall placing at Short Track. Pretty cool considering I've never ridden mountain before. In some ways its like Cyclocross but in many ways its not. I'll keep it at that.

Designing has slowed rapidly but I really think its just my inability to actually print anything, that and Menomena hasn't gotten back to me yet but hey maybe they're just really busy. After all they did say they were trying to master their album during mid august, which is almost here by the way.

Other good new though, I have a good design for AU that I'm trying to work out. Its amazing what I conceive in my head and how I sometimes manage to get it out on paper. I suppose its all part of the creative process that change in medium. From...
