Sunday, January 31, 2010

I read so much these days

That statement rings true with me almost everyday now. Although in the end its a good thing because it means that for the first time--possibly ever-- I'm actually doing the readings assigned to me in classes. I'm not sure why back in the day I resented them so hard core, but I've discovered that not only do they help, they are actually quite interesting.

Class Recap:

American Cinema and American Culture:
- I was really looking forward to this class when I first got into it, and trust me its still very interesting but there is definitely something about the way Tate teaches that gets to me sometimes. Sometimes I think the human experience is simply to diverse and random to be able to say that one single thing can incite a whole quiver of feelings, i.e just because Edward G. Robinson's picture is big on the DVD case is big doesn't necessarily represent his god like presence in the film.

Anatomy of a Movie:
- Incredibly thankful I ran out on this class two years ago because I was so intimidated. It makes sense now as a senior majoring in film but I shudder to think how I would have responded if I actually went through with it two years ago. WWII fascinates me. It was the beginning of the end in terms of old war style tactics and it had such a profound affect on film making during the time. Does stuff like that happen today and I'm just not seeing it? Also, the class is about Casablanca.

Dramatic Writing:
- Very thankful I had the gumption to go to this class. I considered not taking it and opting for an easier load this term but its definitely worth it. My writing skills are finally forming a coherent whole, and it only took almost the entirety of college to do so.

- This language is a little ridiculous and yet it comes very naturally. Do I want a minor in it, or do I actually care that much...

I'm really curious what springs going to be like this year


Friday, January 15, 2010

Amazing Mornings

Today I had the opportunity of getting to start my day at 7AM, and thus far its both reassured my faith in Portland, and confused me hardcore. Its so bizarre getting up in what is essentially still night, eating, putting on my rain coat expecting cold, and then come to find that its probably 55, maybe even 60 degrees out.

I just checked, and according to the weather peeps its actually only 50, but still! It seems so much warmer than usual. All the same I'm not complaining. If January wants to be silly and manic I'm cool with that, as long as it doesn't mean cold and wet.

All though I'm pretty positive at this point it means wet.

The reason for my early wake up call: I got another audition, and even though its probably not as glamorous and hyped as my previous, it was still very exciting. Not to mention it probably out-WTF'd the last by a good seven points considering its a commercial/spec spot for this...

I didn't even know this soda still existed, but just as Obama needed McCain, and how white supremacists need minorities, Mountain Dew needs Mello Yellow, and frankly I'm not arguing.

485$ for one days work doesn't hurt either.

Closing statements:

The promotion guy reminded me of a cockatoo, and the other day at work I got paid to stand for three hours while they attempted to fix an industrial printing machine.


Monday, January 11, 2010


I finally got one. Even if its for a temp agency I finally got one, and that's a good thing. Supposedly its at this place called the GAC or Graphic Arts Center, which does a lot of printing.

Could work out

Monday, January 4, 2010

I've outdone myself

And a rightfully productive winter break it was!

Been an excitable past couple of weeks. Some things went down, lines were exchanged, destinies challenged, the usual goodness.

My audition ended up going really swell considering how things could have turned out seeing as I have exactly zero professional experience when it comes to acting. My dad had the good idea for me to to follow up with a nice little note thanking the production people for there time and patience, and maybe people just like to be thanked but for whatever reason I now have a second callback. Different role, but the fact that they even considered me is a huge compliment. Very excited about that.

As of sometime around Christmas I now have another creative child working under me, namely this bad boy:

Consider it my silkscreening/printing/visual situation if anything, since this blog is more of an outlet for me to say made up words like wolf-cat, and muncher-kins. Also it finally gives me the chance to display some of my designing in a way that I find simple, yet still aesthetically pleasing.

AND I finally understand how the 3D filter works on Illustrator, also an excitable bit of news.

Things that I still have to do:

- Find a job
- Finish my stand up act
- Get my Casio's/Bass
- Be the feature guest on Conan O' Brian

It WILL happen...