Friday, October 30, 2009

Fright Town

I specifically labeled this post after what I'm doing tonight so that when I frequent my homepage I'm more inclined to write. SO HELLS YEAH WORLD, more of Danny Felts spamming the internet!

In all seriousness tonight is one of the nights that Fright Town, ( local crazy ass haunted house ), is running, and while last year was fun I'm particularly looking forward to this go around. I happened to be a straggler in last years job picking and went from being a fairly harmless ghost covered with a typical uniform white sheet, to having to sit in a small room that was pitch black, with a strobe light, with fake dead bodies swinging all over the place; all this accompanied by low moaning sounds for 2+ hours.


No Astoria this weekend, as much as I would like to race I could use a week off, and I was sick for the majority of the week, which was awesome. The Crusade will have to wait

The bamboo bike project is also under way, if all goes well I should be at the very least a satisfied owner of something I could other wise never get unless I knew Alan. Should be sweet.

Wort uber,


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